About john@theelearnacademy.com

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So far john@theelearnacademy.com has created 5 blog entries.

Blunt Talk


Medical Advice and How Not to Give It – I’m not a doctor, but I play one in the boudoir  In these series of blogs on the cannabis industry, I’ll explain why now, more than ever, it’s important to have an educated and caring staff at your dispensary.  A Certified Dispensary Technician’s (CDT) influences are extensive, and the spotlight is bright.  Prologue Modern day interpretations and in most hypochondriacs’ minds the Hippocratic Oath states, parenthetically, “First do no harm.”  This oath taken by deeply in debt, overly scholastic MD’s is usually the first step taken so they can poke and prod [...]

Blunt Talk2020-09-14T08:12:21-07:00

Blunt Talk


Branding Importance and Reinforcement Strategies – “Have a Coke and a smile…”  In these series of weekly blogs on the cannabis industry, I’ll explain why now, more than ever, it’s important to have an educated and caring staff at your dispensary.  A Certified Dispensary Technician’s influences are extensive, and the spotlight is bright.   Prologue I can recall the first “legal” dispensary I walked into after Colorado struck the first mighty blow against recreational cannabis prohibition.  I was in a little ski town and I thought I’d go in and experience my first open and legal buy.  I admit, even though it [...]

Blunt Talk2020-08-31T08:58:26-07:00

Blunt Talk


Customer Education and Relationship Building – “Hello, I love, won’t you tell me your name…”  In these series of weekly blogs on the cannabis industry I’ll explain why now, more than ever, it’s important to have an educated and caring staff at your dispensary.  A Certified Dispensary Technician’s influences are heavy, and the spotlight is bright.   Prologue Think back to your mentors in your life, were they positive or negative influencers?  I can guarantee you probably remember the positive ones more than the negative ones.  And in thinking back, I’m sure those positive mentors influenced your life in a way that [...]

Blunt Talk2020-08-24T10:46:36-07:00

Blunt Talk


Defining the Guest Experience-Phish Out of Water In these series of weekly blogs on the cannabis industry I’ll explain why now, more than ever, it’s important to have an educated and caring staff at your dispensary.  A Certified Dispensary Technician’s influences are heavy, and the spotlight is bright.   Prologue Imagine being teleported to a destination and time that seems remarkably familiar but espouses things you were taught were bad for you are now ok.  That medicine and recreational substances that are derived from chemicals you were taught for decades will cook your little brains like an egg on a burning hot [...]

Blunt Talk2020-08-17T08:04:24-07:00

Blunt Talk


Retail and you; a modern cannabis tale In these series of weekly blogs I’ll explain why now, more than ever, it’s important to have an educated and caring staff at your dispensary.  A Certified Dispensary Technician’s influences are heavy, and the spotlight is bright.   Prologue Modern day cannabis buying experience; it’s much more than the back-alley dealings and late-night door knocks of its shadowy past.  It has come out of the dark(web) and black market and will continue to enter retail social norms as state after state passes (dare I say, nation) prohibition busting legislation shining a light on retail brighter [...]

Blunt Talk2020-08-10T08:12:51-07:00